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  • R Ladher, A Prakash, J Weninger, N Singh, S Raman, K Kruse, M Rao (2023) Junctional Force Patterning drives both Positional and Orientational Order in Auditory Epithelia (Under review)






  • Mak S-S., Wrabel A., Nagai H., Ladher R.K*., Sheng G*. (2015) Zebra finch as a developmental model. Genesis. doi: 10.1002/dvg.22900 *joint corresponding authors


  • Nagai, H., Sezaki M., Kakiguchi K, Nakaya Y., Lee H., Ladher R. K., Sasanami T, Han J-Y., Yonemura S., Sheng G. (2015) Cellular analysis of cleavage-stage chick embryos reveals hidden conservation in vertebrate early development. Development


  • Mulvaney JF, Amemiya Y, Freeman SD, Ladher RK, Dabdoub A. (2015) Molecular cloning and functional characterization of chicken Atonal homologue 1: a comparison with human Atoh1. Biol. Cell. doi: 10.1111/boc.201400078


  • Freeman SD, Keino-Masu K, Masu M, Ladher RK. (2015) Expression of the heparan sulfate 6-O-endosulfatases, Sulf1 and Sulf2, in the avian and mammalian inner ear suggests a role for sulfation in inner ear development. Dev Dyn. 2014 Nov 5. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.24223.


  • Sai X, Yonemura S, Ladher RK. (2014) Junctionally restricted RhoA activity is necessary for apical constriction during phase 2 inner ear placode invagination. Dev Biol. 2014; 394: 206-211


  • Ono K, Kita T, Sato S., O’Neill P, Mak S, Paschaki M, Gotoh N, Kawakami K, Ladher RK. (2014) Fgfr1-Frs2 signalling axis maintains Sox2 in sensory progenitors during inner ear hair cell formation. PLOS Genetics: 10: e1004118


  • Hall J, Jheon AH, Ealba EL, Eames BF, Butcher KD, Mak SS, Ladher RK, Alliston T, Schneider RA. (2014) Evolution of a developmental mechanism: Species-specific regulation of the cell cycle and the timing of events during craniofacial osteogenesis. Dev Biol. 385:380-95


  • Honda A, Freeman SD, Sai X, Ladher RK, O'Neill P. (2014) From placode to labyrinth: Culture of the chicken inner ear. Methods. 66: 447-453


  • Paschaki M, Cammas L, Muta Y, Matsuoka Y, Mak SS, Rataj-Baniowska M, Fraulob V, Dollé P, Ladher RK. (2013) Retinoic acid regulates olfactory progenitor cell fate and differentiation. Neural Dev. 8:13.


  • Kita T, Freeman SD, Ladher, R. K. (2013) The birth of a mechanosensor: development of vertebrate of hair cells in Inner ear development and Hearing Loss (ed. Riazuddin and Ahmed) p1-24 New York: Nova Science


  • Cai Z, Tao C, Li H, Ladher R, Gotoh N, Feng GS, Wang F, Zhang X. (2013) Deficient FGF signaling causes optic nerve dysgenesis and ocular coloboma. Development. 2013 140:2711-23.


  • Yang L, O'Neill P, Martin K, Maass JC, Vassilev V, Ladher R. K.*, Groves AK*. (2013) Analysis of FGF-Dependent and FGF-Independent Pathways in Otic Placode Induction. PLoS One. 2013;8(1): e55011. *joint corresponding authors


  • Freter S, Muta Y, O'Neill P, Vassilev VS, Kuraku S, Ladher R. K. (2012) Pax2 modulates proliferation during specification of the otic and epibranchial placodes. Dev. Dyn. 2012 241:1716-28


  • O'Neill P, Mak SS, Fritzsch B, Ladher R. K.*, Baker CV*. (2012) The amniote paratympanic organ develops from a previously undiscovered sensory placode. Nat Commun. 2012; 3:1041. *joint corresponding authors


  • Freter S, Muta Y, O'Neill P, Vassilev VS, Kuraku S, Ladher R. K. (2012) Pax2 modulates proliferation during specification of the otic and epibranchial placodes. Dev. Dyn. 2012 241:1716-28


  • Zou Y, Mak S. S., Liu H. Z., Han D. Y., Zhuang H. X., Yang S. M., Ladher R. K. (2012) Induction of the chick columella and its integration with the inner ear. Dev Dyn. 241: 1104-1110


  • Nagai H., Mak S-S., Weng W., Nakaya Y., Ladher R. K., Sheng G. (2011) Embryonic Development of the emu Dromaius novaehollandaie. Dev. Dyn., 240, 162-175


  • Ladher R. K. (2011) Squeezing into Differentiation. Developmental Cell 21, 


  • Hamada T, Teraoka M, Imaki J, Ui-Tei K, Ladher R. K., Asahara T. (2010) Gene expression of Spag6 in chick central nervous system. Anat Histol Embryol. 2010 39:227-32.


  • Ladher R. K., O’Neill P, Begbie J. H. (2010) From shared lineage to distinct functions: the development of the inner ear and epibranchial placodes. Development 137, 1777-1785


  • Freter, S. A., Muta, Y. Mak, S. S. and Ladher, R. K., (2008) Progressive restriction of otic fate: the role of FGF and Wnt in resolving inner ear potential. Development  135, 3415-3424


  • Sai, X. and Ladher, R. K. (2008). FGF signaling regulates cytoskeletal remodeling during epithelial morphogenesis. Curr Biol 18, 976-81.


  • Manley, G. A. and Ladher, R. K. (2008). Phylogeny and Evolution of Ciliated Mechanoreceptors. In The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference; Audition, vol. 3 (ed. P. Dallos and D. Oertel), pp. 1-34. San Diego: Academic Press.


  • Sakamoto, T., Ito, J. and Ladher, R. K. (2007). Hair cell differentiation becomes tissue specific by E9.5 in mouse inner ear. Neuroreport 18, 841-4.-4.


  • Ladher, R. K.*, Wright T.J., Moon A.M., Mansour S.L., and Schoenwolf G.C. (2005).  FGF8 initiates inner ear induction in chick and mouse. Genes Dev 19. 603-613 * corresponding author


  • Wright, T. J.*, Ladher, R. K.*, McWhirter, J., Schoenwolf, G. C. and Mansour, S. L. (2004). Mouse fibroblast growth factor-15, the orthologue of chick fibroblast growth factor-19, is sufficient, but not required to induce otic development. Development Biology 269, 264-275. *Joint first authors


  • Francis-West, P. H., Ladher R. K. and Schoenwolf, G. C. (2002) Development of the Sensory Organs. Science Progress 85:151-173


  • Karabagli H., Karabagli, P., Ladher R. K., Schoenwolf G. C. (2002) Comparison of the Expression Patterns of Several Fibroblast Growth Factors during Chick Gastrulation  and Neurulation. Anatomy and Embryology 205:365-370


  • Karabagli H., Karabagli, P., Ladher R. K., Schoenwolf G. C. (2002) A Survey of Fibroblast Growth Factor Expression during Chick Organogenesis. Anatomical Record 268:1-6


  • Ladher, R., Anakwe, K., Gurney, A. L., Schoenwolf, G. C., Francis-West, P. H. (2000) Identification of synergistic signals initiating inner ear development. Science 290:1965-1968.


  • Ladher R, Church VL, Allen S, Robson L, Abdelfattah A, Brown NA, Hattersley G, Rosen V, Luyten FP, Dale L, Francis-West PH (2000) Cloning and expression of the Wnt antagonists Sfrp-2 and Frzb during chick development. Dev Biol 218:183-98


  • Wada N, Kawakami Y, Ladher R, Francis-West PH, Nohno T (1999) Involvement of Frzb-1 in mesenchymal condensation and cartilage differentiation in the chick limb bud. Int J Dev Biol 43:495-500


  • Francis-West PH, Abdelfattah A, Chen P, Allen C, Parish J, Ladher R, Allen S, MacPherson S, Luyten FP, Archer CW (1999) Mechanisms of GDF-5 action during skeletal development. Development 126:1305-15


  • Barlow AJ, Bogardi JP, Ladher R, Francis-West PH (1999) Expression of chick Barx-1 and its differential regulation by FGF-8 and BMP signaling in the maxillary primordia. Dev Dyn 214:291-302


  • Francis-West P, Ladher R, Barlow A, Graveson A (1998) Signalling interactions during facial    development. Mech Dev 75:3-28


  • Ladher R, Mohun TJ, Smith JC, Snape AM (1996) Xom: a Xenopus homeobox gene that mediates the early effects of BMP-4. Development 122:2385-94




  • Kita T, Freeman SD, Ladher, R. K. (2013) The birth of a mechanosensor: development of vertebrate of hair cells in Inner ear development and Hearing Loss (ed. Riazuddin and Ahmed) p1-24 New York: Nova Science


  • Manley, G. A. and Ladher, R. K. (2008). Phylogeny and Evolution of Ciliated Mechanoreceptors. In The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference; Audition, vol. 3 (ed. P. Dallos and D. Oertel), pp. 1-34. San Diego: Academic Press.


  • Ladher R. K. and Schoenwolf G. C. (2005) “Neural Induction” in Developmental Neurobiology (Plenum Press), eds. M.   Rao and M. Jacobson.

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